• To ensure orders arrives safely, we use shipping boxes because they offer protection against damage caused by compression or impact during transit. Tracking is included with all orders shipped.
• NOTE: In order to track your shipment you must include your email at the time of checkout.
• Save on shipping fees by ordering several items in one order to make the most of our shipping boxes' size and capacity.
• For curbside pickup, on the checkout page under "Delivery" select "Pickup in store".
OPTIONAL: If you want to order a second stand select a colour here.
*** This product is generated by the Easify Product Options app to apply charges for custom options. Please don't delete it. If it's removed, the option price won't work on your storefront.
You must keep the product status as Active in the Online Store.
This product is not included in collections (and won't show up in website searches as per your settings).
You're free to adjust the product title, image, and inventory as needed.
For inquiries, reach out via in-app live chat or email support@tigren.com.