

Starting out as a hobby to sell a few items online, we grew our product list each month.  Our intention was to create replica products to help collectors or enthusiast to complete their collections if they had lost or broken parts.  We often get request for new items so we'll source an original item to create a replica from or if not available design it from scratch if accurate measurements are available. .

About Us - by Ken 


Product Designer - Printer - Webmaster

I founded and created this website.  Using an original item as a starting point, I create replica replacement parts and accessories for our website store. These are made using either 3D scanning or designing them from scratch in my cad software.  When I design a product from scratch I want to make it unique and original.   I use two types of printers.  I have two resin printers and one filament capable of printing multiple colours at once.  I still do photography so I use my equipment to take most of the photos that are shown in our store. We are located just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 


Product Data - Marketing - Product Painter

Brian is an associate and he has the combination of marketing skills, knowledge that allows him to promote and sell our products effectively. Brian supplies all the original items for Ken to either scan or design from scratch for adding products to the store. Most of the product information was provided by Brian. If there are any questions from viewers on any of our products, Brian will answer them because of his knowledge of each item.