To ensure orders arrives safely, we use shipping boxes because they offer protection against damage caused by compression or impact during transit. Tracking is included with Canada & USA orders only. UK or Australia packages will not include tracking so delivery of your order can't be tracked.
• Save on shipping fees by ordering several items in one order to make the most of our shipping boxes' size and capacity.
When I make a purchase how long until my order is shipped?
When the product is available, we typically require 24 to 48 hours for preparation, packaging, and shipping. You will receive a notification once your order has been shipped.
How are products shipped?
- In Canada we use bubble mailers for a reduced shipping cost except for some items that are too large to fit properly in a bubble mailer then we will use a mailing box which is a higher shipping rate. This depends on the size of the item being purchased. Boxes will have tracking.
- For USA shipping we only use shipping boxes which has tracking so the customer can check the status of their order. We found in the past shipping to the US in a bubble mailer some items got damaged because of either going through the handling at customs or air mail handling. To help reduce orders from arriving damaged, we decided to only use shipping boxes.
- For international orders shipping boxes will be used but because of the cost of tracking we will not include tracking when shipping. With no tracking we cannot guarantee delivery.
- In Canada we use bubble mailers for a reduced shipping cost except for some items that are too large to fit properly in a bubble mailer then we will use a mailing box which is a higher shipping rate. This depends on the size of the item being purchased. Boxes will have tracking.
What are your 3d prints made of?
I use a few different products when printing. Depending on the item be printed I will either use one of my two resin printers or my filament printer. My filament printer is capable of printing four colours. It will also print a special filament that when processed with look and feel like ceramic.
Any question?
- You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.
- When viewing any product you can also ask a question about that product by clicking on the "Ask a question" button.